Conservation Tools for the Meewasin Valley Authority
A Review of Conservation Tools and Policy for the Meewasin Valley Authority
Land Use and Biodiversity
Natural Infrastructure
conservation easements, conservation tools, research and recommendations, private land conservation, policy analysis, planning, local government
Project Summary
To position themselves to better employ a suite of conservation tools, the Meewasin Valley Authority engaged the Corvus Centre to review the tools, assess the internal enabling policy, and make recommendations for additions and revisions to those policies. This work involved employing an Expert Working Group and an assessment matrix to 1) characterize conservation tools applicable to Meewasin, 2) assess their potential effectiveness for Meewasin, 3) characterize the policy support need, 4) assess Meewasin policy gaps, and 5) provide recommendations.
The tools reviewed were fee simple land acquisition, conservation easements, land management agreements, stewardship incentive programs, and Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs). The Expert Working Group assessed each tool for its potential effectiveness by evaluating it against Meewasin’s existing conservation goals and programs.
Recommendations were created for 1) Broad-based Recommendations, 2) Conservation planning, 3) New policies, 4) IPCA policy, 5) Policy revisions, and 6) Recommendations for other tools.